wood is a 1987 novel by Japanise author Haruki Murakami. The novel is story about
loss and love. This novel told from first-person perspective of Toru Watanabe,
when thirty-seven year old of Toru Watanabe hears a beatles song that sends him
back in memory to his first two years at collage in Tokyo. The timeline set in
late 1960s when most people especially student protesting to standing government.
Through Watanabe's reminiscences, readers will be see him having relationship
with two very different character of women. The beautiful yet having deep trouble
emotional Naoko, the gregarious and outgoing Midori. Essentialy, Norwegian Wood
is a romance novel in which one young man falls into the dilemma of loving two
women at the same time. But the novel does so many other things that you can
learn not just love story. Happy reading everyone !
Tabik !
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